- Partners

GK Launch Services is a company established by Glavkosmos (a subsidiary of ROSCOSMOS State Space Corporation) and International Space Company Kosmotras. GK Launch Services is an operator of Soyuz-2 commercial launches from the Russian spaceports.
The key targets this joint venture aims at include advancing of commercial launch services, promotion of Russian launch vehicles on the world market, and strengthening the positions of Russia as the most competitive launch service provider.
A solid competence of the two partners facilitates achieving these ambitious goals. Glavkosmos has been participating in global international space projects over 30 years and has already had experience in provision of launch services with Soyuz-2 rocket. Kosmotras has lofted over 100 payloads within 22 commercial launches.
Our key advantages are the recognized reliability and efficiency of Soyuz-2 which comprises the latest innovative engineering solutions.
At present, Soyuz is the only rocket in the world capable to execute manned space flights. It is the Soyuz rocket that is currently used to deliver Soyuz manned spaceship with cosmonauts and astronauts on board to outer space and the International Space Station.
Our Goals
Leadership in launch services for delivering satellites and satellite constellations into various low Earth orbits;
Building of a standard system for dual and multiple launches of satellites with different sizes to be delivered to several orbits within one mission;
Further evolution of Soyuz-2 launchers to meet commercial market requirements and to provide even better efficiency for customers’ missions;
Development and adaptation of the Russian spaceports to meet the requirements of commercial customers; an increase of the workload of the Russian ground facilities with a greater number of commercial missions.
19 October 2006
The first commercial Soyuz-2.1 launch with a European meteorological MetOp spacecraft was executed. MetОp was the first European meteorological spacecraft that worked in the circumpolar orbit.
1999 - 2015
KOSMOTRAS orbited 128 payloads for the customers from 31 countries using a converted SS-18 rocket.
KOSMOSTRAS commissioned the Yasny Launch Base, a technical facility designed for spacecraft pre-launch processing and integration with LV. Ten SS-18 commercial launches have been carried out from Yasny so far.
KOSMOTRAS lofted 33 satellites within one launch; at that time they set a record for a number of payloads injected within one LV flight.
2009 - 2017
Glavkosmos participated in launching of over 90 payloads on Soyuz-2 from the Russian space ports.
14 July 2017
With Glavkosmos as a participant, Soyuz-2.1a carrier rocket was successfully launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome with an Earth observation Kanopus-V-IK satellite and 72 piggyback smallsats aboard. Such a complicated mission profile for a large number of payloads to be put into several orbits within one launch was designed and implemented for the first time in the world practice.