Launcher/Upper Stage –
Soyuz 2.1а/Fregat
Target Orbits
- SSO (sun synchronous orbit)
- LEO (low Earth orbit)
- MEO (medium Earth orbit)
- Polar Orbit
- GTO (geostationary transfer orbit)
- GSO (geosynchronous orbit)
- Escape trajectories
Dedicated Mission Benefits
- Definition of mission orbit parameters
- Definition of launch schedule and launch window

Launcher/Upper Stage –
Soyuz 2.1а/Fregat
Target Orbits
- SSO (sun synchronous orbit)
- LEO (low Earth orbit)
- Polar Orbit
Primary Payload Benefits
- Definition of mission orbit parameters
- Definition of launch schedule and launch window
- Lower launch price as compared to a dedicated launch aboard a light-class LV
Secondary Payload Benefits
- Regular space access for small satellites
- Attractive competitive price
- Unique opportunity to be inserted into its target orbit

Launcher/Upper Stage –
Soyuz 2.1а/Fregat
Target Orbits
- SSO (sun synchronous orbit)
- LEO (low Earth orbit)
- MEO (medium Earth orbit)
- HEO (high Earth orbit)
- Polar Orbit
- Escape trajectories
Tandem Mission Benefits
- Definition of mission orbit parameters
- Lower launch price as compared to a dedicated launch aboard a light-class LV
Soyuz-2 was created on the basis of Soyuz launch vehicle, which for many years of successful operation has earned the reputation of a reliable and efficient carrier. The new version – Soyuz-2 – combines all the competitive advantages of its predecessor and unique modern technical solutions. Soyuz-2 launch vehicles offer increased reliability, eco-friendliness, and multipurpose space missions.Satellite launching into various orbits:
Ample opportunities for payload injection into various orbits thanks to the use of the universal Fregat upper stage.Satellite clusters & constellations:
Soyuz-2 is an efficient solution for ascent of satellite clusters and constellations and placing them into various target orbits.4800 kg
payload mass
to SSO (Soyuz-2.1a)
launch sites
Upcoming Launches:
Orbit: SSO (500-600 km), LTAN 10.30-11.00
Vostochny is a first civilian space port. It is located in the Far East (Amur region), near Tsiolkovsky city. For Russia, Vostochny space port secures an independent access to space thus enabling fulfilment of the entire spectrum of space-related tasks.
Total area: 700 km2
First launch: April 28, 2016
Main facilities:
- Soyuz-2 Launch Pad;
- LV assembly and test facility (ATB);
- SC/US/SHM assembly and test facility (ATB).
Baikonur is the world’s largest space center. It is located in Kazakhstan and leased by Russia up to 2050.
Total area: 6717 km2
First launch: October 4, 1957
Main facilities for Soyuz launches:
- Launch pads for Soyuz-FG, Soyuz 2.1a, Soyuz 2.1.b;
- Technical complexes for assembly, testing and pre-launch processing of launch vehicles, upper stages, satellites.
Plesetsk is a state testing space center. It was used for military purposes until 1966. Plesetsk is located in the Arkhangelsk region.
Total area: 1762 km2
First launch: March 17, 1966
Main facilities:
- Launch pads for Soyuz-2;
- Technical complexes for pre-launch processing of launch vehicles, upper stages, satellites.